

of the 6th International Anthracology Meeting - Freiburg, Germany, 30th August to 6th September 2015


Proceedings of the 6th International Anthracology Meeting (2015 freiburg germany) are completed and online

Quaternary International Special Issue

Anthracology: Local to global significance of charcoal science - Parts I-III

by Thomas Ludemann and Oliver Nelle (Guest Editors)


Part I – Volume 457 (2017): 1–240.

Part II – Volume 458 (2017): 1–232.

Part III – Volume 463B (2018): 219–424.




The organizers have been arranging for the papers presented at the conference to be published in a special issue of a relevant international journal. “Quaternary International” has already agreed to publish a special volume “Local to global significance of charcoal science” as proceedings of the 6th IAM 2015. Please note that both types of presentation - oral and poster - will be equally eligible for publication in this thematic volume of “Quaternary International”.

As announced during the conference, we plan to publish contributions in Quaternary International, the official journal of the International Union for Quaternary Research
Please submit a manuscript of your contribution to Quaternary international, special issue “charcoal science”. You can submit both oral and poster contributions as a manuscript, both will be treated in the same way. Also, if you had two (or more) contributions, oral AND poster(s), you have the possibility to submit all.
To proceed, the next step was to provide us with an email declaring your intention to submit a manuscript. This email should contain the (working) title of the manuscript, as well as authors and a list of up to three reviewers suggested by you. The suggested reviewer list helps the editors to find experts in the field who are able to review your submission. Please send this information as soon as possible, but no later than 31 october 2015, to

The manuscripts have to follow the instructions by Quaternary International (QI) (see attachment). Make sure that you select the name of the special issue when you upload your manuscript:

Charcoal Science

The submission website for this journal is located at
Reviewing will be organised by the guest editors Thomas Ludemann and Oliver Nelle, together with the editor in chief of QI, and will be supported by the scientific committee of anthraco2015.


Please note: Further extension of deadline!

15 july 2016: Final deadline for submission of manuscripts

Submitted manuscripts will immediately be subject of the reviewing process, and once accepted, will be published online shortly afterwards, potentially well in advance of the completion of the printed issue.
If you have any questions, please contact us. We are looking forward to your contributions.
Please use for any communication with us, concerning the proceedings:

Best wishes,
Thomas Ludemann and Oliver Nelle


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